Five Mistakes to Avoid When Transporting Your Luxury Vehicle

A luxury vehicle represents a significant investment, not to mention all the memories it helps create. This is one reason many owners take maintenance so seriously. Still, one thing several luxury vehicle owners overlook is not paying attention to long-distance transportation. This is probably the reason mistakes happen that could have been easily avoided.

The following are five mistakes that could be made, but you can avoid them to protect your luxury vehicle.

1. Concentrating on Price

Transporting a vehicle from one place to another is not cheap, so do not concentrate on finding the cheapest service or just choosing the most expensive. Look for the most adequate.

Make sure the company you consider is a trustworthy one that takes proper precautions, like taking a relatively empty route to reduce the chances of an accident. The right company is also going to provide transportation options, like enclosed shipping, where the vehicle is placed inside a container instead of an open-air trailer that exposes your vehicle to the elements.

2. Take Your Time

Do not make the mistake of just choosing the first luxury shipping service you find. There are a lot of companies out there worth your consideration, and you can give them that if you take your time.

What you want to look for is experience, good reviews from past customers, great shipping options, and additional fees that the company charges. Compile this information, and compare each company to see which one offers the best possible price for what you are getting.

3. Insurance is Key

Another mistake some people make is shipping a luxury vehicle without adequate insurance. The company you choose is probably going to provide you with some insurance options, and you want to read through those. Choose the one that is going to provide the most coverage, but doesn’t rely on them completely. Any gaps can be covered by your insurance if you tell them you are shipping your luxury vehicle.

Having insurance protects your valuable asset and gives you peace of mind. Hopefully, nothing happens, and you get your vehicle as you expect, but it is always better to be prepared.

4. Overlooking Preparation

Speaking about being prepared, you need to make sure you’ve done your part to prepare your luxury vehicle for the transport. The following is a checklist of things you need to address before you have your vehicle shipped:

  • Have the vehicle inspected and any issues resolved.
  • Be sure to note all defects if there are any, just in case something happens during transport, and you find damage when you receive it.
  • Remove all loose items from the interior, which can move around and cause damage.
  • Take off things, like antennas or roof rails.
  • Turn off the anti-theft system in your vehicle.
  • Add enough gas so you can drive it if you need to.

5. Adding Personal Items

It is very tempting to leave some items in the vehicle, especially bulky items, since the vehicle is going to your destination. This is not a good idea because some of these items could get damaged during the transport. Most moving companies are not liable for things left in the vehicle.

It always better to simply take these items with you, and leave the car empty. Those who choose to transport the vehicle in an open-air truck should definitely remove items because criminals are tempted when they see items inside a vehicle.

Hopefully, this information helps you transport your luxury vehicle without hitting any obstacles.

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